Participating Libraries
175 members
Consortium | OCLC | |
Michigan State University | BTAA | EEM |
Northwestern University | BTAA | INU |
Ohio State University | BTAA | OSU |
Pennsylvania State University | BTAA | UPM |
Purdue University | BTAA | IPL |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick | BTAA | NJR |
University of Chicago | BTAA | CGU |
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign | BTAA | UIU |
University of Iowa | BTAA | NUI |
University of Maryland-College Park | BTAA | UMC |
University of Michigan | BTAA | EYM |
University of Minnesota | BTAA | MNU |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln | BTAA | LDL |
University of Wisconsin | BTAA | GZM |
Center for Research Libraries | CRL | CRL |
Amherst College | EAST | AMH |
Bard College | EAST | VVP |
Boston College | EAST | BXM |
Boston University | EAST | BOS |
Brandeis University | EAST | MBB |
Connecticut College | EAST | CTL |
DeSales University | EAST | ALL |
Elms College | EAST | NKF |
Fairfield University | EAST | FAU |
Five Colleges, Incorporated | EAST | MAFCI |
Hamilton College | EAST | YHM |
Hofstra University | EAST | ZIH |
Lafayette College | EAST | LAF |
Loyola Notre Dame | EAST | LOY |
Mount Holyoke College | EAST | MTH |
New York University | EAST | ZYU YPI |
Siena College | EAST | VKM |
Smith College | EAST | SNN |
Swarthmore College | EAST | PSC |
Syracuse University | EAST | SYB |
Trinity College | EAST | TYC |
Tufts University | EAST | TFW TFH TFF TUFTV |
Union College | EAST | ZWU |
United States Coast Guard Academy | EAST | CGA |
University of Massachusetts Amherst | EAST | AUM |
University of Massachusetts Medical School | EAST | WQM |
University of Pittsburgh | EAST | PIT |
University of Rochester | EAST | RRR |
University of the South | EAST | TWU |
Vassar College | EAST | VXW |
Williams College | EAST | AMH |
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University | FLARE | FCM FAMLW |
Florida Atlantic University | FLARE | FGM |
Florida Gulf Coast University | FLARE | FGA |
Florida International University | FLARE | FXG FXN FIUCL FLFIU |
Florida Polytechnic University | FLARE | FLFPU |
Florida State University | FLARE | FDA FSL |
New College of Florida | FLARE | FHC |
University of Central Florida | FLARE | FTU |
University of Florida | FLARE | FUG FUB |
University of Miami | FLARE | FQG FQR FML FQM |
University of North Florida | FLARE | FNP |
University of South Florida | FLARE | FHM FTS FHS |
University of West Florida | FLARE | FWA |
institution | program | oclc |
American University | Scholars Trust | EAU |
Auburn University | Scholars Trust | AAA |
Catholic University of America | Scholars Trust | DCU |
Clemson University | Scholars Trust | SEA |
College of William and Mary | Scholars Trust | VWM |
Duke University | Scholars Trust | NDD |
East Carolina University | Scholars Trust | ERE |
Emory University, Woodruff Library | Scholars Trust | EMU |
Florida State University | Scholars Trust | FDA |
Gallaudet University | Scholars Trust | GQG |
George Mason University | Scholars Trust | VGM |
George Washington University | Scholars Trust | DGW |
Georgetown University | Scholars Trust | DGU |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Scholars Trust | GAT |
Georgia State University | Scholars Trust | GSU |
Howard University | Scholars Trust | DHU |
Johns Hopkins University | Scholars Trust | JHE |
Louisiana State University | Scholars Trust | LUU |
Marymount University | Scholars Trust | MMV |
Mississippi State University | Scholars Trust | MFM |
National Agriculture Library | Scholars Trust | AGL |
North Carolina State University | Scholars Trust | NRC |
Tulane University | Scholars Trust | LRU |
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa | Scholars Trust | ALM |
University of Florida | Scholars Trust | FUG |
University of Georgia | Scholars Trust | GUA |
University of Kentucky | Scholars Trust | KUK |
University of Louisville, Eckstrom Library | Scholars Trust | KLG |
University of Memphis | Scholars Trust | TMA |
University of Miami, Richter Library | Scholars Trust | FQG |
University of Mississippi | Scholars Trust | MUM |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | Scholars Trust | NOC |
University of North Carolina, Charlotte | Scholars Trust | NKM |
University of North Carolina, Greensboro | Scholars Trust | NGU |
University of South Carolina, Cooper Library | Scholars Trust | SUC |
University of Tennessee | Scholars Trust | TKN |
University of the District of Columbia | Scholars Trust | DDU |
University of Virginia | Scholars Trust | VA@ |
Vanderbilt University | Scholars Trust | TJC |
Virginia Commonwealth University | Scholars Trust | VRC |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | Scholars Trust | VPI |
Wake Forest University | Scholars Trust | EWF |
Arizona State University | WEST | AZS AZC AZSSP AZFSP |
Austin College | WEST | IAU |
Baylor University | WEST | IYU |
Brigham Young University (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | UBY UBYSP |
California Baptist University | WEST | CBF |
California Institute of Technology (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | CIT CITSP |
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo | WEST | CPS |
California State University East Bay | WEST | CSH |
California State University Fullerton | WEST | CFI |
California State University Los Angeles | WEST | CLA |
California State University Northridge | WEST | CNO CSNSP |
Colorado State University, Fort Collins | WEST | COF COFSP |
Getty Research Institute | WEST | JPG JPGSP |
Iowa State University | WEST | IWA IWASP |
Kansas State University | WEST | KKS KKSSP |
Loyola Marymount University Library | WEST | LML LMLSP |
Mount Saint Mary's University Los Angeles | WEST | CMM CMMSP |
Occidental College Library | WEST | CCO CCOSP |
Oklahoma State University Library | WEST | OKS |
Oregon Health & Science University (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | OHS OHSUS |
Oregon State University Corvallis | WEST | ORE ORESP |
Palo Alto University | WEST | PPI |
Pepperdine University | WEST | CPE |
Portland State University Library | WEST | ORZ |
Reed College Library | WEST | ORC |
Rice University | WEST | RCE RCEFP RCFSP |
Saint Mary's College Library | WEST | GH0 |
Samuel Merritt University | WEST | MEC |
San Diego State University Library | WEST | CDS |
San Francisco State University Library | WEST | CSF |
San Jose State University | WEST | CSJ CSJSP |
Seattle Pacific University Library | WEST | OXF OXFSP |
Stanford University Libraries | WEST | S7Z STFSP SL3SP CASUM HIN STF RCJ |
The Claremont Colleges | WEST | HDC HDCSP CST |
The Huntington Library | WEST | HUV HUVSP |
University of Arizona | WEST | AZA AZU AZL AZUSP |
University of Arkansas | WEST | AFU AFUSP |
University of California | WEST | HH0 |
University of California, Berkeley | WEST | CUY CUYSP |
University of California, Davis | WEST | CUV CUVSP CUX CUXSP |
University of California, Irvine | WEST | CUI CUISP |
University of California, Los Angeles | WEST | CLU CLUSP |
University of California, Merced | WEST | MERUC |
University of California, NRLF | WEST | ZAP ZAPSP |
University of California, Riverside | WEST | CRU CRUSP |
University of California, San Diego | WEST | CUS CUSSP |
University of California, San Francisco | WEST | CUN CUNSP |
University of California, Santa Barbara | WEST | CUT CUTSP |
University of California, Santa Cruz | WEST | CUZ CUZSP |
University of California, SRLF | WEST | ZAS ZASSP |
University of Colorado, Health Science Library | WEST | COU COUSP |
University of Denver, University Library | WEST | DVP DVPSP |
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | HUH HUHSP |
University of Idaho Library | WEST | NTD ZXQ NTDSP |
University of Kansas | WEST | KKU KKUSP KKUFP KFS |
University of Missouri, Columbia | WEST | MUU MUUSP MUDSP MMU |
University of Nevada Las Vegas | WEST | UNL UNLSP |
University of New Mexico (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | IQU IQUSP |
University of Oklahoma | WEST | OKU OKUSP |
University of Oregon Library | WEST | ORU ORUSP |
University of Redlands | WEST | CUR |
University of San Diego | WEST | CDU CDUSP |
University of San Francisco | WEST | CUF |
University of Washington | WEST | WAU WAUSP |
University of Wyoming Library | WEST | WYU WYUSP |
Utah State University | WEST | UUS |
Washington State University, Pullman | WEST | NTE NTESP |
Washington State University, Spokane | WEST | WS7 WS7SP |
Washington State University, Tri-Cities | WEST | EI1 EISSP |
Washington State University, Vancouver | WEST | WS2 WS2SP |
Willamette University (not current member, but remains archive holder) | WEST | OWT OWS OWSSP |