Rosemont Operations Committee - October 11, 2017

Rosemont Operations Committee Conference Call

October 11, 2017, 3-4pm EST

On Call:

Big 10 Academic Alliance – Rebecca Crist, Kim Armstrong

FLARE – Ben Walker (Chair)

Scholars Trust – Cheryle Cole-Bennett, John Burger, Mark Jacobs, Lars Meyer

WEST – Emily Stambaugh, Alison Wohlers

Regrets: Tabby Pursley

Note Takers: Alison Wohlers, Cheryle Cole-Bennett


  1. SCS Update: A final decision for the development of an analytics capability for journals is expected by March of 2018.

Discussions and Decisions

  1. Rosemont Last Copy Agreement (Materials: Last Copy draft)
    • Initial draft based on the environmental scan (including ALI-PALNI policy as the Ops committee suggested) and other feedback from the Ops committee during the September 27th discussion. Emily, Tabby, and Alison met on October 5th to discuss and hone the draft document.
    • Key points of Ops Committee discussion of the draft document:
      • Scope of the audience
      • Distinction of the universe of materials that should be checked against for scarcity
      • For the donation guidelines: discussion of language – “shall” or “to be encouraged”
      • Adding in an aspect of encouraging institutions to consider donating material beyond their immediate geographic area to maintain the geographic diversity of the scarce copies
      • Adding in language that institutions reserve the right to accept donations on a case-by-case basis
      • Include an option for institutions that cannot donate material, instead negotiating a long-term loan with the receiving institution or parent organization of the storage facility
    • Decision: Emily will make adjustments based on the above Ops feedback and return the next draft to the committee for approval.
  2. Rosemont Access Principles (Materials: Access Principles draft)
    • Draft based on feedback from the September 27th discussion of potential access principles.
    • Decision: Feedback and editing on this document will occur over the listserv and on the Google document in anticipation of the next Ops meeting.
  3. Note-taking procedures for the Rosemont Executive Committee
    • Decision: Notes will be taken and posted on the Rosemont website for the Executive Committee as they are for the Operations Committee. The same note-takers will be responsible for Exec Committee notes – per the June decision: Alison will take meeting minutes with Cheryle as back-up.
  4. Agenda Development for November 3rd Face to Face Meeting with both committees
    • Decision: Ben will draft material for the agenda and circulate it on the listserv for feedback in anticipation of further development during the next Ops meeting.